The most recent proposal to level down marijuana’s current federal classification for research and studies was filed last July 9. This bipartisan proposal was swept under the rug by Republicans.

GreenWay Iowa Biggest Obstacle in Marijuana AdvancementThe said proposal would have allowed the Drug Enforcement Agency and the National Institute of Health to work side by side and to ultimately determine the benefits and setbacks of marijuana in treating certain conditions. At present, medical cannabis presents numerous benefits in treating conditions such as cancer, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s Disease and PTSD, among others.

Almost 50% of U.S. allows medical marijuana, at present. But there will be no double-time in the pace of marijuana advancements if the federal government keeps putting up roadblocks on amendments that could authorized them.

Libertarians, together with state’s rights advocates, are in favor of medical marijuana programs and see this as a state’s rights’ issue. While Republicans are split on the issue, majority are still in a “Reagan era, drug war” state of mind. They feel that going soft on marijuana policies will send a wrong message, mainly, to the youth.

According to some Republicans, there is not enough basis to downgrade marijuana classification. That is also their main reason as to why they keep squashing such amendments. Marijuana supporters and advocates feel that the lack of evidence is the doing of the Republicans themselves.

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